Официальный фонд Г.С. Альтшуллера

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Briefly put:

  • to serve as a reference point for people interested in learning about TRIZ independently;
  • To present the undistorted (or sometimes little-known) works of G.S. Altshuller to users and developers of the theory.

If you click here, a search engine will give you numerous links to materials including the abbreviation TRIZ (the Theory of Inventive Problems Solving).

Some links will take you to high-quality materials, some to weak materials, some to careless hack-work, some to pirates, and some to materials that have nothing to do with TRIZ at all. Such is today’s Internet.

The Official G.S. Altshuller Foundation, together with the Rights Holders of the Altshuller copyrights, created this website, so that – by clicking here – you will be able to find amongst all the above the original texts of the creator of TRIZ-RTV-TRTL, Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller (15 October 1926 – 24 September 1998).

That is one of the goals behind the creation of the website and the G.S. Altshuller Foundation: to present the undistorted (reference) works of G.S. Altshuller to the users of the theory he created.

There is a well-known contradiction: on the one hand, science can not be held in secret, and so information about TRIZ must be made available; on the other hand, it is imperative to show due respect to the rights and good name of authors, including the authors of scientific works. Otherwise, the hard work of authors will be undervalued, and their work distorted.

This is just a small step, but nonetheless we hope to resolve this problem as follows: a large part of the original texts of the creator of TRIZ, G.S. Altshuller, is lawfully made available on the official website. Now they are available to anyone for personal and noncommercial (i.e. scientific) use.

At the same time, we would like to make the following points clear:

  • If you would like to increase the number of people who have read the works of
    G.S. Altshuller, just send them a link to this website:

http://www.altshuller.ru – the official site of
G.S. Altshuller, creator of TRIZ-RTV-TRTL.

  • But, if you want to increase the number of copies (i.e. to publish these materials on paper or electronically, to publish them on your website, etc), you must write by e-mail to foundation@altshuller.ru and conclude a written copyright contract.

Legal basis: the law “On copyright and related rights” (in russian).

Solving the above-mentioned contradiction, between the availability of information and its lawful use, is the second goal behind the creation of this website and the Official G.S. Altshuller Foundation.

The official website contains
the following main sections:


The Works of G.S. Altshuller [in Russian] [in English]

The E-book “Introduction to TRIZ. Basic Concepts and Approaches”
(the official publication of the G.S. Altshuller Foundation)

The Bibliography of G.S. Altshuller (in Russian)

The Biography of G.S. Altshuller (in Russian)

Rights Holders

E-mail List (in Russian)

TRIZ-RTV-TRTL Internet Forum

You can purchase the books of G.S. Altshuller in our Internet store (in russian).

Work on the structure and the content of the website is ongoing.

We are happy to answer your questions and are thankful for any suggestions or additional information you might provide.

185 002, Russia, Petrozavodsk, P.O. Box 16, The Official G.S. Altshuller Foundation

The website of the Official G.S. Altshuller foundation
was developed by
"Sychev & Co" Ltd. (TRIZ-RI Group),
Webmaster: R.A.Lushov